
Decreased inventory, stolen goods, lost inventory – whatever you call it, losing or having valuable inventory in your warehouse can be a big problem. In fact, data suggests that “cargo theft is a $15 to $30 billion annual problem” and “these numbers are likely low” as cargo theft remains grossly underreported. ”

So what does warehouse security have to do with preventing cargo theft/shrinkage? How to create a high-security warehouse? Do you need warehouse security measures for your business? In today’s guide, we’ll introduce you to 16 types to protect your warehouse. Read on to learn more.

1. Importance of warehouse protection

Goods or inventory still in the warehouse are not immune to theft. For example, one post mentioned that during Labor Day 2018, multiple closed warehouses experienced major thefts, such as the theft of “$5.7 million worth of cellphones from a Delaware warehouse” or “$1.5 million worth of cellphones from a California warehouse.” dollar equipment”.

The lack of warehouse protection gives thieves an easy way to steal products and make a quick buck, and no e-commerce business is immune to theft. If your customers are willing to buy the product, thieves can exploit its value.

You may be wondering: “What if I don’t manage the warehouse myself? Do I still need to worry about protection?” The answer is: yes. If you work with a third-party logistics (3PL) company, the security of their warehouses/distribution centers is still a huge concern as it can impact your products.

Warehouse Protection Measures

2. Protect facilities from the inside out

When it comes to warehouse protection, it’s important to protect both the interior and exterior of your facility. Exterior-facing warehouse security systems, called perimeter security, are used to protect entry points, parking lots, and property lines. These exterior security measures can help prevent theft by keeping thieves out or by scaring the casual thief into thinking that the attempted theft is not worth the effort and risk.

Internal warehouse security measures can help catch thieves who breach external warehouse security or employees who abuse their authority to steal products from the warehouse. Internal security measures often focus on restricting access or capturing evidence to help catch thieves after the fact, rather than on prevention and intimidation.

It is important to use layered security measures to protect both the inside and outside of your facility. After all, as the Mouze article points out, in a warehouse: “People move items in and out regularly, and some of them may not be your employees. There may be multiple entrances and exits, and they may not all be staffed 24/7.”

Due to the large number of entrances and exits to the warehouse and the presence of non-warehouse personnel, it is easy for thieves to sneak into the warehouse and carry away valuables in the hustle and bustle. That’s why both internal and external warehouse security solutions are necessary.

3. 16 warehouse protection measures

What specific types of warehouse protections are needed to create a high-security warehouse? The following are some examples of warehouse security tools that can be useful:

1) Keep the area clean and tidy

Dispose of all trash and recyclable materials immediately. Keep work surfaces tidy and organized. Improve employee mobility and efficiency by grouping similar projects into logical processes. Clean up spills. Develop leak control measures. Use tape to outline your work area on the floor. To reduce slips and falls…tie off cables and remove anything that could create a tripping hazard.

2) Install warehouse guardrails

Installing industrial safety barriers not only protects machinery and equipment from forklift collisions but also ensures the safety of workers. In addition, warehouse guardrails can effectively buffer the impact of forklifts and provide reliable protection for buildings. And eliminate problems such as collision deformation, ground damage, etc., allowing your factory to say goodbye to secondary repairs, thereby eliminating expensive repair costs and potential protective neutrality.

For example, I have a friend who is a medal manufacturer. He has his own manufacturing plant equipped with many manufacturing equipment. In order to protect the equipment from being affected by forklifts, he installed warehouse guardrails in the factory. This can effectively reduce the occurrence of accidents.

Warehouse Protection Measures

3) Warehouse security cameras

Warehouse security camera setups can both be a great deterrent to thieves and serve as an easy way to gather strong evidence to prosecute them if they do steal something. Modern security camera systems can collect high-definition footage and upload it to an offsite server to make it easier to identify thieves and preserve evidence if they try to tamper with a camera or live recording station.

4) Warehouse lighting

Yes, lighting can be considered an important part of warehouse security. Not only does a poorly lit warehouse provide protection to thieves (making them harder to identify), it can also pose a safety hazard to warehouse employees and security personnel. Therefore, keeping your warehouse facility well-lit is a vital security measure, both to prevent theft and on-site accidents.

5) Alarm system

Alarm systems are an important tool in thwarting burglary attempts, minimizing the number of items stolen by thieves, and calling security or police promptly to prevent thieves from gaining access. leave. Knowing there is an alarm can keep thieves within a strict time limit so they don’t steal too much (or stop them from trying). Getting an alert from a silent alarm helps security personnel and police arrive at the scene quickly to apprehend thieves before they can steal valuable products.

6) Only certified personnel can operate the equipment

Although this may seem like an obvious fact, it is important to emphasize it. Never shorten this request. With certification, operators can learn the proper way to load and unload a forklift, how to properly move and stack boxes, how to maintain equipment, and how to direct a forklift.

7) Define forklift path

The passages for forklifts and pallet trucks should be clear and unobstructed. It is best to install guardrails on both sides of the road.

Tip: If you’re updating to a modern lithium-ion battery, it only takes an hour to fully charge a lithium-ion battery, so there’s no need to remove the big, heavy forklift battery. You will no longer be at risk of toxic spills due to water entering the battery, nor will you need a battery charging room. Forklift paths may need to be adjusted and simplified.

8) Supply and wear personal protective equipment

PPE should be tailored to your warehouse conditions and may include safety vests, steel-toed boots, and hard hats. The personal protective equipment required in warehouses has recently changed and may include surgical masks or N95 masks, gloves, and goggles to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission.

Warehouse Protection Measures

9) Check equipment regularly

Regularly inspect and maintain racking, conveyors, and lifting equipment.

10) Conduct regular safety training

Conduct initial training for all new employees. In addition, ongoing training sessions are scheduled quarterly or as needed. New safety standards are expected to be introduced in response to internal and external changes, such as the purchase of new equipment and environmental factors respectively.

11) Optimize warehouse layout

Develop a logical flow. Reduce difficult movement of personnel and equipment.

12) Make a plan and implement it

Develop emergency preparedness procedures for fires, lockdowns, and possible natural disasters in your area (such as tornadoes, earthquakes, or flash floods). Drills will help employees respond to real-life emergencies more efficiently and calmly.

13) Encourage communication

Ask attendees for their opinions. Setting up a “safe suggestion box” is an anonymous way for people to come up with new ideas. Or hold safety feedback sessions to identify small or big changes that can help reduce the risk of injury, maintain health, and improve employee morale.

14) Entrance industrial safety gate

How strong is the gate that allows bypass access to the warehouse? A weak lock or gate can give thieves quick access to a warehouse, giving them easy access inside. A strong industrial safety gate can delay a burglar, increasing the likelihood that they will be caught by police/security (and the likelihood that they will give up before entering).

15) Window Security

Are there any ground-level windows that a burglar could easily break and gain access to in the warehouse? Or, are they located high up and reinforced to prevent break-ins and entries? Strong security means making windows as difficult to break into as possible, such as using tempered glass, window locking devices, or even steel bars/window covers to thwart break-in attempts.

16) Conduct background checks on all warehouse employees

Internal theft is a major cause of inventory loss in any business. Before entrusting someone with all your most valuable products, it’s necessary to verify their trustworthiness. Conducting background checks on employees is an important part of the process for vetting new hires, especially if they will be handling small, high-value items on a regular basis. Many businesses use background checks to vet employees to help manage risk.

These 16 items aren’t the only warehouse security tools you can use to protect your warehouse. While no security measure is 100% theft-proof, using all of these measures can help create a highly secure warehouse that minimizes risk and better protects your products.

Warehouse Protection Measures

4. Conclusion

The above are the 16 safety measures for warehouse protection summarized in this guide for you and the importance of warehouse protection. If you have any other questions, you are welcome to contact Aotons for consultation at any time.

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